Mist rises from sweet blue water
And electro pumps humid air.
Shifting clouds form a conveyor of vapor
And arms push electric at the sun
as it sinks behind gigantic towers of silver.
Humans swarm like bees struggling for hydration.
Green bodies, blue bodies, pink bodies, every-body,
Winged feathers on backs, burnt backs, abnormal hats,
Tattooed skin, black skin, white skin striving for tanned skin,
Hair saturated in lemon juice. Crispy in the sun.
Noise tunnels through ears like race-cars on a spaghetti junction -
Vibrations felt by snake-like people.
Blistering heat on the beach,
Lulling in calm aqua blue,
Burnt by the sun and de-hydrated,
Gliding through time,
Thinking we made it.
Champagne and cupcakes at the Mandorian Hotel,
We role on white lounge beds and dip our toes into an infinity pool.
Slumped over a table in Five Guys Burgers & Fries we spot Boris Becker...3:19? No...New Orleans.
Sunday I sprint to the tour bus and you piss yourself because you've never seen my run so fast.
Not even our bus. Let's go meet some Gators...
Culture shock. Body shock.
Horror shock. Shock horror.
We see a lightning fork strike the Earth from our triple-glazed window and we pray
to god as the clouds bend us away from R,VA.
(Not to mention the whisky-drunk fool who sparked a cigarette on the plane and got away with it...)