Kath Littler
"Having grown up in Pembrokeshire, I completed a Diploma in Graphic Design in Bristol - nearly half a century ago before the age of computer technology.
I went on to qualify as an art teacher and taught throughout my life all ages and abilities from severely autistic children to 80 year olds with strokes.
Parallel to this I kept up myself taught career in painting and printmaking.
I discovered wood engraving in 2003, and that has been my main medium since then. I am a member of the Society of Wood Engravers, and have exhibited in their Annual Travelling Exhibition for the last several years. I also supply commercial galleries in Wales and Orkney.
Engraving is a graphic medium, therefore as well as a traditional illustration medium for depicting the beauty of nature or the technical details of machinery, science or architecture for example, it is also a medium for the communication of ideas and social comment. I try to do both of these."
"Tenby Harbour" (in progress)
"The Bitches"
"Ramsay Sound between St Davids Head and Ramsay Island. This is about the dramatic rhythms, energy and pattern of nature. They are so-called because they are the cause of many shipwrecks in the past. Now the pleasure ground of kayakers."
"We are Doing God's Work?"
"I was outraged by this comment from a prominent American politician during the Iraq War. The question mark is mine."
"Spring Arriving in the Old Field Maple"
"This one is about a maple tree that grew opposite where we lived in Dorset. I loved the tree and delighted in following its changing appearance throughout the year. I did a series of four of these and then went on to do some in colour."
"Where Have All the Airfields Gone?"
"This is about a disused World War 2 airfield of which there are many around our shores. This one is at St David's Head. I was struck by the way nature has reclaimed it. It is now a nature reserve smothered in ox-eye daisies over which the sound of larks is piercing where once Halifax bombers droned in their search for U-boats in the Atlantic. It reminded me of the song famous in the 60s called "Where have All the Flowers Gone?" which is about the ultimate futility of War."
©Kath Littler