I have always wanted two boiled eggs and marmite soldiers most
For breakfast.
Suddenly, I find a trail of seeds
In a farmer’s field.
The maize yields lucidly to my decision
And I realize this is a dream.
Wake up, you say to me. You’re clucking in your sleep.
I’ve always slept deep.
But when I try to rise,
The bed is sideways
The golden field was gleaming,
But seems to only when I’m dreaming.
I liked the word association process that seems to dictate the style Carver's poem 'Looking For Work'. From trout - waterfall - dreaming - house tilting - noon - new shoes. I have used a similar process. From eggs - seeds - crop field - dreaming - chickens - bed sideways - golden field. I found this process useful in creating a poem and i might use it again. Sorry for the late (ish) post.